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Everyone has heard of the web and email, but they’re only two protocols within a huge and diverse array of services provided by the Internet. For example, when you go shopping on the Internet you probably make use of all these internet services, mostly without even knowing:

  • DNS (primary and secondary)
  • Proxy services
  • NAT and Firewalling
  • Database connections
  • HTTP (that’s the web)
  • HTTPS (secure web)
  • SOAP
  • AJAX
  • SMTP (that’s email)

There are possibly even more, but they’re the most common technologies you’ll utilise on your purchasing exercise.

Over the years we’ve built up a huge amount of experience in this field, and can provide your business with a complete picture of everything you will need to do and all the technologies that can help you achieve that in order to do what you want with the Internet.

If you would like us to contact you regarding our Internet Consultancy services please complete the form below.

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